Product Release Note: 27 October 2021

Improvements & New Features: Participants ๐ฏ
1. Platform Theming
What is it? Platform Theming allows our organizers to create a look & feel of the web-networking that is more aligned with their brand. We can now make changes to colors of the both the Navigation Sidebar and Top Menu Bar. We can also change the color of the text and icons displayed on them. Lastly, organizers will have the ability to use custom fonts in the web platform.
Why are we adding it? To enable creating look & feel of the web-networking that is more aligned with your brand.
Available from: 26th October 2021
Available to: All users, manually enabled
Built by: Jez and Radhika

2. Top Bar Redesign
What is it? We have redesigned our Top Bar Menu to match our highly anticipated Home Page that will be released in the near future
A newly, refreshed design of the Top Bar Menu elements:
Search Bar
Profile and Teams Icons
Language Select Button
Redesigned Language button and Language drop-down menu
Why are we adding this? To make the look & feel of the top bar more compatible with the new home page that is being implemented.
Available from: 27th October 2021
Available to: Automatically enabled
Built by: Jez

Improvements & New Features: Organisers ๐ผ
1. Improved CSV Uploader
What is it about? We improved the CSV Uploader to be more powerful and useful to Grip users so that they can make changes more seamlessly.
The CSV Uploader now allows you to:
Import image URLs
Edit existing profiles via patching
Any uploaded metadata to be automatically translated
New drop-down option "Add new profiles and patch existing profile data."
This option will add new profiles and patch any fields that are on existing profiles
Why are we adding it? We want to make the CSV uploader more powerful and more useful to Grip users so they can more easily upload profiles to their events
Available to: All users, manually enabled.
Available from: 29th October 2021
Built by: Stephen
2. Header and Nav Menu Theme Settings
What is it about? The Theme Settings in the Grip Dashboard allows Grip users to have more control over the branding of their event.
Web application theme color field that allows you to add a background color to the Navigation Sidebar and Top Bar Menu
These texts and icon color field that allows you to change the color of the the text/icons on the Navigation Sidebar and Top Bar Menu
Why are we adding it? This allows you to have more control over the branding of your events.
Available to: All users, manually enabled.
Available from: 29th October 2021
Built by: Jez
Bugs & Fixes ๐
Enhanced error messages for Multi-Factor Authentication
Fixed applying a theme color overlapped the elements in the navigation bar
Fixed clicking on the back button when we are on the reset password screen displaying a white screen
Fixed navigation item icons not being visible
Fixed API: Enforce Homefeed Block Content Context Validation