Product Release Notes: 26th April 2021

Improvements & New Features: Participants
1. Instant Meeting Functionality

Organisers can now enable 'Instant Meeting' functionality for their events. Instant calls can be initiated between two users who are online right from the chat window.
Why? To make it even easier to connect and have meetings on the platform. Connected users don't even need to find a timeslot to have a meeting anymore!
Available To: All users
Release Type: Optional - set on an event level
Release Date: Available
Links to Articles: ,
2. Data Type permissions on Speed Networking meetings

You can now create a speed networking session that will generate meetings based on Data Type meetings permissions.Send to calendar button
Why? Organisers now have greater control over who can meet in Speed Networking sessions.
Available To: All users, standard
Release Type: Optional - set on a session level
Release Date: 26th April
Link to article:
Improvements & New Features: Organisers
4. Remove Recommendations from all emails
We have removed the recommendations section from all emails
Why? This is part of wider work we're doing to speed up our email sending processes
Available To: All Users, standard
Release Type: Automatic, All
Release Date: 27th April 2021
5. Ability to remove a hero image through the dashboard
You can now remove Hero images from profiles through the dashboard. (We have also made both of the image uploaders the same on this page).
Why? Once a user uploaded a hero image there was no easy way to remove it without replacing it
Available To: All Users, standard
Release Type: Automatic, All
Release Date: 27th April 2021
6. Ability to add/remove 'Status' as a search filter
You can now disable 'Status' as a search filter on the front through the "App Configuration & Special Actions" page
Why? You could turn all other search filters on and off, so it made sense to make this filter 'toggleable' too
Available To: All Users, standard
Release Type: Automatic, All
Release Date: 27th April 2021
7. Added contact sharing information to Inbound Leads CSV and Simplified Inbound Leads CSV exports
We have added a column to these exports that shows their contact detail sharing status
Why? This will give clients the ability to analyse contact detail sharing usage on the platform and make better choices about its future implementation
Available To: All Users, standard
Release Type: Automatic, All
Release Date: 27th April 2021
Bugs & Fixes
- Fixed: Unable to accept multi-user meeting requests (iOS and Android)
- Fixed: Crash on opening a list of profiles displayed in custom groups (iOS)
- Fixed: 'Invalid credentials' error during the login (Android)
- Fixed: 'Request meeting' button was displayed on profiles even when meetings with this data type were disabled (iOS)
- Fixed: Mailto links in the navigation item support (iOS)
- Fixed: Incorrect preview information is displayed in Meetings home feed blocks (iOS)
- Fixed: Hosted Buyer meeting chats carrying from one meeting to another
- Fixed: Meeting timer not showing up on all Hosted Buyer meetings
- Fixed: Featured label appearing on profiles in lists when 'Sidebar' web promotion feature was enabled
- Fixed: Chat reactions not remaining in place on Session chats
- Fixed: Text in company chats not remaining in place
- Fixed: Issue where you could not open virtual meeting rooms on certain events
- Fixed: Further CSP violation errors on a Google Tag Manager implementation for an event
- Fixed: Inability to add Inbound lead limit to monetisation plans on an event which had had a monetisation plan deleted from it
- Fixed: User access issue on the dashboard