Grip product updates and roadmap

New home screen on the Grip mobile app

Written by Abi Cannons, Senior Product Marketing Manager | 6/30/23 11:27 AM

It's so pretty!

When we released the new home page blocks on web a couple of months ago, we couldn't wait to bring it to mobile... and now it's here! With customizable simple blocks, profile blocks and quick-link support, your onsite app can show off the best bits of your event (and make it easier to use for your attendees, too.)

A beta-test gone great

We soft-launched our gorgeous new mobile layout with some of our biggest events recently... they loved it, and it's now yours to play with.

Creativity unlocked

Homepage blocks on the web allowed you to draw attention to the best parts of your events; the speakers, profiles and links that ensure your participants know about the things you need them to. With in-person events on the up-and-up, let's make sure you can get them directly to the places they need to be, physically, using the app. All you need is your creativity!

Some ideas

The fabulous events to which we've given early access have used thes new feature to:

  • Highlight keynote speakers

  • Lift views of sponsored companies

  • Drive engagement with other parts of the app

What you need to know to get started

The new app layout is rolling out from Monday, July 11, 2022. If you would like to use the new layout on an existing event within Grip, please talk to your PM or CSM.

P.S. We recommend updating and notifying your existing mobile app users about the new features before enabling the new blocks/quick links so that they can update their apps as required... No-participant left behind!

For more details on setting up your event homepage/home screen, please check out this article here.

Don't hesitate to get in touch

Have questions or concerns about any of our new features? As always, we're here to help; contact your PM, CSM or simply drop us an email at