Product Release Notes: 8th December 2021

Improvements & New Features: Participants 👯
1. Redesigned top bar
Why have we built it? The purpose of the Top Bar Redesign is to make the top menu bar more compatible with the new homepage that is being implemented. There is now a refreshed design of the search & icon elements.
What are the changes? There will now be a drop-down menu if participants belong to more than one team, and another drop-down menu that contains all of the languages the event was configured in.
Available from: 6th December 2021
Available to: All users, Automatically Enabled
Improvements & New Features: Participants 👯 Mobile Experience 📱
1. Interactive Floor Plan... now offline!
Why have we built it? We know that venue connectivity can be patchy but attendees still need to find their way around.
What are the changes? We’ve taken our partnership with Interactive Floor Plan provider ExpoFP to the next level by making maps available offline.
Available from: Coming very soon
Available to: All ExpoFP users, Automatically Enabled
2. Indoor Navigation: 'Blue Dot' live location tracking
Why have we built it? Navigating venues can be tricky at the best of times and it can be a struggle to get to meetings on time if you get lost. We know how important it is to know where you are, as well as where you need to be. Indoor navigation delivers the 'blue dot' experience, just like you find on other map apps.
What are the changes? Through the combination of ExpoFP, Crowd Connected, and some clever positioning of beacons, you can have this on your venue maps… even indoors! This will be really useful for event planners with large-scale events that are complicated to navigate.
Available from: Coming very soon
Available to: All ExpoFP and CrowdConnected users, Automatically Enabled
3. App upgrades and improvements
We've been busy tinkering beneath the hood, making little changes to improve the overall experience:
Individual Meeting Status is now being shown for each meeting participant under the Meeting Details screen
The Meeting Status displayed on the Profile Details Screen is now showing individual status rather than the overall meeting status
Representatives are now placed above Products on the exhibitor profile screens
To avoid confusion, we now display a “You have shown interest” label instead of “Interested” on profile screens
When a user taps to remove “Interest” on product profiles, we now show a confirmation pop-up every time instead of only once.
When a User accepts or declines a meeting request, the state of the screen is updated instantly now
Available from: 6th December
Available to: All users, Automatically Enabled
Bugs and fixes 🐛 🔍
The team found and fixed 14 little bugs this week, the sneaky little things.