Event Templating: Cross-App Event Copying

Take your most successful events and use them anywhere!
Running multiple events just got a whole lot easier! Our new event copying feature allows you to duplicate your most successful events with just a click - whether it's within the same Grip application, or a different one - saving you valuable time and effort.
What you'll love about this feature:
Instant Event Duplication: Effortlessly copy events within the same application or take a flagship event from one of your brands and copy it to a different Grip application. Set up new events quickly and with full transparency, without the repetitive work.
Customizable Copies: Choose exactly which features and settings to carry over to your new event. Whether it’s navigation items, homepage settings, MustMeet settings or email campaigns, you decide what’s copied and what isn't. Map data types and toggle specific features on or off to tailor each event to your needs.
Seamless Integration: Maintain all your existing integrations and custom groups, ensuring consistency across events without reconfiguration.
Copy events in minutes
Create your new event to a different application by simply pasting a template code, validating your data mappings, and selecting the desired settings. Finish with a few final details like event name and date, and your new event is ready to go!
What you need to know to get started
Event copying within the same Grip application is already available for you to use. Cross-app event copying will be launched August, 2024. Dive in deeper in event copying, with all the details presented in our Knowledge Base article.
Don't hesitate to get in touch
Have questions or concerns about any of our new features? As always, we're here to help; contact your account manager or simply drop us an email at support@grip.events.