Product updates

See the latest feature releases, product improvements and bug fixes

Elevate your home pages with interactive banner blocks

The Grip team are excited to announce some new updates to our home page banner blocks! These exciting updates will enable you to craft customized, captivating and informative home pages, capturing the attention of your audience and elevating the visibility of your sponsors.

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Simple improvements to the organizer dashboard

Sometimes it's not about building new features, it's about improving what we've already built. A big focus for our product team is to simply make Grip easier to use for our customers (and our own delivery teams!). We want to save everyone time getting to the value of using Grip. 

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Connections exports for attendees

Your events are all about making meaningful connections between participants and, at Grip, we've always understood the value of suppliers being able to access their connections, post-event. But we also want to empower your other event attendees to preserve and nurture the relationships they've formed.

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Confirm session attendance:  customize the text for 'double opt-in'

If you've ever organised an event where there are limited spaces in an auditorium, or spots on a coach for a local activity, you'll undoubtedly understand the frustration of seeing empty seats. 

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Edit sessions at scale in the event agenda

Organisers can now efficiently manage all sessions for their events through the convenient and user-friendly 'bulk edit sessions' feature in the organizer dashboard. This new addition has been developed with the aim of reducing the amount of time organizers spend  managing their events in the dashboard. Previously, organisers had to individually view each session in order to make any necessary edits, which proved to be quite time-consuming, especially when dealing with a large number of sessions that required updates, such as moving them to a new stage or track.

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Break the ice, ignite connections... add an intro message when requesting to connect!

Making meaningful connections is what the team at Grip live for, and we're excited to announce this release that will improve your participants' chances to connect with others. Take more control of networking destiny with the ability to send an introductory message when requesting a connection!

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Boost your event engagement with Guest and Anonymous user access to Grip

A big day for our product team who have been working really hard to deliver Guest and Anonymous user access, allowing event organizers to increase the engagement levels of their event, provide new opportunities to reach a wider audience and convert hesitant users into fully fledged attendees!

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Action required: New Google Analytics tracking

Google Analytics tracking known as Universal Analytics is stopping on 1st July 2023, and Google will only support the...

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