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Grip Teams

Easier lead management for sponsors: session check-in scan exports

Event organizers and exhibitors, elevate the way you connect sponsors with attendees! We're excited to introduce the session check-in badge scanning feature, designed specifically to address session attendance and data sharing with sponsors.

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Prioritize where meetings take place with default meeting location setting

Grip already had the ability to assign multiple locations to a profile, but we're adding the option to define a default location for meetings when importing data to Grip, as well as allowing organizers to update the default location on the profile settings page. This will ensure that attendees are directed to the correct location, and meetings with representatives take place at the main booth as a priority.

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More invitation settings to increase your control on Grip Teams

You told us that you wanted more explicit control over who gets invited to join an exhibitor/sponsor Team on Grip, so this month we've added three big new settings to allow you to have better ownership of the process and associated data. These features are especially cool as they also give you further opportunities to monetize the platform.

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