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Mobile App

Easier lead management for sponsors: session check-in scan exports

Event organizers and exhibitors, elevate the way you connect sponsors with attendees! We're excited to introduce the session check-in badge scanning feature, designed specifically to address session attendance and data sharing with sponsors.

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Event pick screen on the app

Attendees of co-located or overlapping events often face a navigation hiccup: not knowing which event they'll see when they log in. The current workaround is to flick through menus to find the 'Switch event' screen - a feature that's been easy to miss and frustrating to need.

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Discover the power of personalization with advanced branding 🎨

Branding. It's more than just a logo or a color scheme, right? It's your identity, your signature, the essence of what makes your event truly yours. And sometimes, the one-size-fits-all solutions can cramp your unique flair. That's why we've launched Grip's Advanced Branding.

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Elevate your home pages with interactive banner blocks

The Grip team are excited to announce some new updates to our home page banner blocks! These exciting updates will enable you to craft customized, captivating and informative home pages, capturing the attention of your audience and elevating the visibility of your sponsors.

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Confirm session attendance:  customize the text for 'double opt-in'

If you've ever organised an event where there are limited spaces in an auditorium, or spots on a coach for a local activity, you'll undoubtedly understand the frustration of seeing empty seats. 

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Break the ice, ignite connections... add an intro message when requesting to connect!

Making meaningful connections is what the team at Grip live for, and we're excited to announce this release that will improve your participants' chances to connect with others. Take more control of networking destiny with the ability to send an introductory message when requesting a connection!

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Boost your event engagement with Guest and Anonymous user access to Grip

A big day for our product team who have been working really hard to deliver Guest and Anonymous user access, allowing event organizers to increase the engagement levels of their event, provide new opportunities to reach a wider audience and convert hesitant users into fully fledged attendees!

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Video tags to make it easier to find content

We understand that time is of the essence when it comes to events. Attendees have busy schedules and limited time to spare, which is why we want to make it faster and more convenient for your participants to find the content they’re looking for. That’s why we’re introducing tags for videos.

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Clearer data and insights for your event app push notifications

A popular request, this month we add analytics for your push notifications! This will be particularly useful to understand the reach of the messages you send, and can be used to report on effectiveness of sponsored messages.

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