Product updates

See the latest feature releases, product improvements and bug fixes

Pre-filtered agendas in navigation and home page blocks

We understand that not all content is created equal; you might have some world-leading keynoters, a brand...

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Add more external links to your sessions

For many of our organizers with international events, ensuring their delegates can access session recordings and livestreams in their native tongue is mega important, so we've added the ability to add URLs in multiple languages.

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Work more effectively with your event data

This month we're giving you more ways to analyse and sort your event data, adding filters for your recommendation and connections.

This brings you more control over the results you see, and makes it quicker to find the proof points you need.

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Lead notes exports, improved security, event-level onboarding and more...

Lead notes exports

When we recently released the ability for exhibitors to add notes to leads, we couldn't wait to add more functionality, and it's here! We know that post-event, when contacts are being exported for further action, it's essential that the notes come with it, to add context to the conversations that took place.

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Wayfinding outdoors with GPS and multi-level events

With blue-dot navigation already helping your attendees find their way inside your venues, we've added external GPS location tracking.

You couldn't do without Google Maps or Waze, right? Well let's bring it to your events!

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It's so pretty!

When we released the new home page blocks on web a couple of months ago, we couldn't wait to bring it to mobile... and now it's here! With customizable simple blocks, profile blocks and quick-link support, your onsite app can show off the best bits of your event (and make it easier to use for your attendees, too.)

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Introducing the Analytics Library

Whilst we'd all love one, many of us don't have a data analyst at our beck and call so, with that in mind, we want to save you effort, brain power (Googling) and most importantly time when it comes to getting the insights you need from your event data. Beyond a simple data export, we want to give you quick and easy access to prove your event success.

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Search aggregation improvement

For a smoother user experience, independent of search terms being capitalized or not during data import, search results are now...

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Profile fields (previously known as metadata) form the bones of Grip and help to kickstart what Grip's AI does best; creating personalised matches and recommendations for your event participants. Before now, these profile fields were inaccessible to you as organizers, remaining in the realm of our technical project teams. But not any more!

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Better in colour 

We have two colourful updates to our homepage profile blocks this month to give you more control of your event homepage look-and-feel.

Firstly, all blocks can now have a custom background and font colour, allowing you to be even more creative with your homepage design.

And you can now add a background colour to your mobile app homepage, too, to help keep all your assets 'on brand.'

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